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Viewing Where a Customer is in Their Life Cycle

If you want to see where an individual customer is in their lifecycle there are three Life Cycle Segments customers may fall within.

Active Customer: These are customers that have recently made a purchase. Their most recent purchase is in the same timeframe as 80% of their other purchases.

At Risk Customer:  These customers are at risk of churning. Their most recent purchase is outside the timeframe of 80% of their other purchases.

Churned Customer: These customers have churned. Their most recent purchase is outside the timeframe of 100% of their other purchases.

You can just follow the steps below to  see where a customer may fall within these segments.


Finding the Customer Search Section
Look for the Customer Search icon in the left hand navigation and click on it. 


Search for The Customer
Input customer information and search for the desired customer. When you find them within the results, click on the row to open their profile.


Click the Clutch Powered Tab
Click the Clutch Powered tab. This will allow you to view information about what Life Cycle Segment this customer is in.


View Segment Information
View segment information. You’ll be able to see what Life Cycle Segment a customer is in, the segment description, and an explanation as to why the customer was placed within that segment.

Updated on October 19, 2023

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