Archiving an Email

Essential Portal makes sending emails easy, whether it be a Campaign Email or a Scheduled Email. In the event you need to archive one of these previously sent emails, follow the steps below.


Find the Communications Section

Look for the Communication icon in the left-hand navigation and click on it. Determine if the email you wish to archive would be a Scheduled or Campaign Email. Click the View Email button under the appropriate tile.


Find the Desired Email

You’ll see a table with all your emails listed. Find the email you wish to archive and click the Actions bar. You can search for an email by clicking the magnifying glass icon. Then, click Archive Email.


Confirm Archive Email Action

There will be a pop-up that you will need to initial to confirm that you wish to archive this email. Once you initial, click the Archive Scheduled Email button.


View Archived Email

You will now be able to view your archived email in the Archived tab.

A Note About Segments: If a segment is associated with an email, the segment cannot be archived until the email it is attached to is archived. So if you want to archive a segment, if it is associated with an email, you will need to archive the associated email first.

Updated on October 19, 2023

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