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  3. Marketing SKU Catalog

Marketing SKU Catalog

The Marketing SKU Catalog allows you to view and edit the marketing version of the SKU name, description, URL, and image. Marketing SKU fields can be used to define customer-friendly attributes for communications. 

Within the Marketing SKU Catalog, you can view and edit the marketing version of the SKU name, description, product URL, and image URL. Your automated SKU file will need to be updated to change any of the non-editable fields.

We’ll walk you through how to view your Marketing SKU Catalog and make edits. Note that you’ll need to have Admin permissions to access this catalog.


Navigate to the Admin Section

Within the left-hand navigation, look for the Admin tile. Click on it.

Note that this tile will not appear for you if you do not have admin permissions.


Find the Marketing SKU Catalog

Look for the Marketing SKU Catalog tile and click on it.


View Marketing SKU Catalog

You will now be able to view the Marketing SKU Catalog. You can search for and filter SKUs, sort by Top Recommended SKUs, and edit SKU details. 

Show Dropdown: In the top right-hand corner, you can find a dropdown labeled Show. This will allow you to toggle between showing Top Recommended SKUs and All SKUs. This can help your brand prioritize which SKUs to focus on while making edits.

Filters: Note that when filtering, you can search by SKU tag and by SKUs that are missing certain fields.

Editing SKU Details


Find the Desired SKU

Find the SKU you wish to edit. You can do this by:

  • Perusing the Catalog
  • Applying Filters
  • Searching for a specific item


Click Edit SKU Details

Once you find the item you’re looking for, within its tile click the Edit SKU Details button.


Edit Details for SKU

You will now be able to edit details for this SKU. Some items you may be able to edit include:

  • Marketing Name
  • Marketing Description
  • Marketing Item URL
  • Marketing Image URL
  • Marketing SKU Cost
  • Default Discount $
  • Default Discount %

Note that the SKU fields are there for reference but are not editable as they are controlled by your brand’s SKU import.


Save Changes

Once you’re done, click the Save button to apply your changes.

Updated on June 12, 2024

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