Mobile Character Counts

SMS Messages traditionally allow for a maximum of 160 characters, however, when a non-standard (Unicode) character is entered, the character limit drops to 70.

Below, you will find information on 3 types of characters and their effect on the character limits of your mobile message.

GSM-7 characters count as 1 character towards your character count limit

ACapital AaSmall a0Digit zero@At signΞGreek xi
BCapital BbSmall b1Digit one$Dollar signÆCapital AE
CCapital CcSmall c2Digit twoCarriage returnæSmall ae
DCapital DdSmall d3Digit three§Section signßGerman Eszett
ECapital EeSmall e4Digit four£Pound signÉE with acute accent
FCapital FfSmall f5Digit five¥Yuan/Yen signÄA with diaeresis
GCapital GgSmall g6Digit sixèe with grave accentÖO with diaeresis
HCapital HhSmall h7Digit sevenée with acute accentÑN with tilde
ICapital IiSmall i8Digit eightùu with grave accentÜU with diaeresis
JCapital JjSmall j9Digit nineìi with grave accent¿Inverted question mark
KCapital KkSmall kSpaceòo with grave accent
LCapital LlSmall l!Exclamation markÇCapital C with cedilla
MCapital MmSmall mQuotation markØCapital O with stroke
NCapital NnSmall n#Number signøSmall o with stroke
OCapital OoSmall o$Currency signÅCapital A with ring
PCapital PpSmall p%Percent signåSmall a with ring
QCapital QqSmall q&AmpersandΔGreek delta
RCapital RrSmall rApostrophe_Underscore
SCapital SsSmall s(Left parenthesisΦGreek phi
TCapital TtSmall t)Right parenthesisΓGreek gamma
UCapital UuSmall u*AsteriskΛGreek lambda
VCapital VvSmall v+Plus signΩGreek omega
WCapital WwSmall w,CommaΠGreek pi
XCapital XxSmall xMinus sign/HyphenΨGreek psi
YCapital YySmall y.Full stop/PeriodΣGreek sigma
ZCapital ZzSmall z/SlashΘGreek theta

GSM-7 extended characters count as 2 characters towards your character count limit

{Left curly bracket[Left square bracket~Tilde
}Right curly bracket]Right square bracketEuro sign
\Backslash|Vertical bar^Caret / Circumflex

Unicode characters will shrink your character count max from 160 to 70.
Anything other than what is listed above, includes emoji’s.

Additional information on Unicode characters, including character charts, please visit

Updated on July 31, 2023

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