View Email Metrics

You will be able to view reports and metrics for any active email. These email metrics will show a variety of metrics, such as delivery rate, click rate, and more. If you wish to learn more about these specific metrics, you can consult our article here.

You can easily view any Email Metrics by following the steps below.


Finding Emails

Navigate to the Email section. This can be done by clicking the Communication tab on the left hand navigation bar. Click either the View Scheduled Emails or View Campaign Emails button, depending on what type of email you’re viewing metrics for.


Find Your Specific Email

Within the Active emails, find the email you wish to view metrics for. Click with the Actions bar and click View Metrics.


View Email Metrics

You’ll be able to view a variety of metrics for your email. 

If you wish to learn more about these metrics, you can consult our article here.

Updated on October 19, 2023

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