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  4. Viewing Campaign Inline Reports

Viewing Campaign Inline Reports

You will be able to view reports and metrics for any Active or Archived Campaigns. These Campaign Inline Reports will vary based on how your brand is configured, how your loyalty program is configured, and which campaign you’re viewing metrics for. If you wish to learn more about these specific reports, you can consult our article here.

You can easily view any Campaign Inline Reports by following the steps below.


Finding Your Campaigns

Navigate to the Loyalty Management page. This can be done by clicking the Loyalty Management tab on the left hand navigation bar. Click the View All Campaigns button. You can also click on the Campaigns tab, then click the Campaigns menu drop down.


Find Your Specific Campaign

Within the Active Campaigns, find the campaign you wish to view Reporting for. Click with the Actions bar and click View Campaign Metrics.


View Reporting Metrics

You’ll be able to view a variety of reports for your campaign. Reports will vary based on how your brand is configured as well as what type of campaign you’ve utilized.

If you wish to learn more about these reports, you can consult our article here.

Updated on October 19, 2023

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