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  3. The API Credentials Tool
  4. Viewing, Editing API Key Notes, and Revoking API Keys

Viewing, Editing API Key Notes, and Revoking API Keys

Our user-friendly API Credentials Tool allows you complete access to API credentials for accessing Clutch APIs. You can consult this article to learn how to view created keys, edit key notes, and revoke a key. To learn how to generate an API Key, you can consult the article here.


Navigate to the Admin Section
Find the Admin tile in the left-hand navigation bar and click on it. 


Go to the API Credentials Tool
Click the API Credentials Tool tile.


Navigate to the History Tab
Within the API Credentials Tool, click on the History tab. This tab can be accessed to view and manage API keys that were previously created.


View API Keys
View all previously created and available API Keys.


Edit Note or Revoke an API Key

To Edit a Key: Select the Actions bar within the key you want to edit and click Add/Edit Note. This will allow you to add or edit an API Key Note.


To Revoke a Key: Select the Actions bar within the key you want to revoke and click Revoke. This action is final, revoked keys cannot be used for API call authentication or reactivated.

Updated on February 27, 2024

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