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  2. Segmentation
  3. Archiving a Segment

Archiving a Segment

You’ll be able to easily archive any segments that you no longer are using. This will help you keep things organized! In order to archive a segment, simply follow the steps outlined below.


Finding the Segmentation Section
Look for the Segmentation icon in the left-hand navigation and click on it. You’ll now see all active segments.


Determine the Archivable Segment
Find the segment you wish to archive. Select the Action bar within the row, and click Archive Segment.


Confirm the Archive Action
You’ll be asked to ensure that you wish to archive this segment. You will need to input your initials to sign off on this action. 


If Needed, Adjust Any Campaigns
If your segment is attached to an active campaign, you will not be able to archive it. If this is the case, you will receive a notification informing you which active campaigns the segment is connected to. You can learn how to archive a campaign here. Once the segment is removed from all campaigns, you can follow the steps above to archive the segment.

Updated on October 19, 2023

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